
Exclusive Interview with A-MASK


SXSW Pop: How did you initially become interested in pursuing a career as a music artist, and what inspired you to follow this path?

A-MASK: I became interested in pursuing a career as a music artist because of my deep love for music from a young age. The passion and emotional power of music inspired me, and seeing other artists impact lives motivated me to follow this path and share my own voice.

SXSW Pop: Can you provide some insight into your creative process when it comes to writing and producing songs?

A-MASK: My creative process for songwriting involves brainstorming themes, crafting meaningful lyrics, developing a catchy melody, experimenting with various chords, and refining the arrangement. Collaboration and inspiration from diverse genres often enhance the final piece.

SXSW Pop: How would you describe your unique musical style or sound, and which artists or influences have played a significant role in shaping it?

A-MASK: My unique musical style blends soulful melodies with intricate rhythms, heavily influenced by Stevie Wonder, Joni Mitchell, and Radiohead, creating a rich, emotive, and experimental sonic experience.

SXSW Pop: Can you share any challenges you've faced during your journey in the music industry so far, and how you've managed to overcome them?

A-MASK: My upcoming album-(stuck in my) was a bit of a challenge because of the timing and schedules that prevented me and my team to stay focused consistently throughout the whole album in order to finish the project  sooner than the due date that it was supposed it was supposed to be released, unfortunately we had to pick another date because we were not able to finish the project on time.

SXSW Pop: How do you maintain a balance between your personal life and your music career, and what strategies do you use to ensure your mental and emotional well-being?

A-MASK: I prioritize time management, set clear boundaries, practice self-care, and seek support from loved ones to maintain balance and ensure my mental and emotional well-being.

SXSW Pop: In a competitive industry like music, how do you stay up-to-date with trends and ensure your music remains relevant?

A-MASK: Stay up-to-date with trends by regularly engaging with current music charts, social media, and streaming platforms. Network with industry professionals, attend music events, and continuously experiment with new sounds and technologies to keep your music fresh and relevant.

SXSW Pop: Have you collaborated with other artists or producers, and in what ways have these collaborations contributed to your growth as an artist?

A-MASK: Collaborating with other artists and producers has expanded my creative horizons, introducing new techniques and perspectives. These partnerships have honed my skills, sparked innovation, and pushed me beyond my comfort zone, leading to growth in both my artistry and technical proficiency. The shared experiences and diverse influences have been invaluable in evolving my unique style.

SXSW Pop: Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or releases that your fans can anticipate?

A-MASK: I have a collaboration album with an incredible artist- Leslie Baker coming soon!  The album is called (stuck in my head) and i can't wait for all my fans to hear this masterpiece. That's really what i'm excited about.

SXSW Pop: How do you connect with your fan base and cultivate a loyal following? What is your approach to social media and interacting with fans?

A-MASK: Engage consistently with fans, offering authentic content and responding to their comments. Utilize social media platforms to share updates, behind-the-scenes insights, and interactive posts. Foster a community through meaningful interactions and appreciation for their support.

SXSW Pop: How do you handle criticism and negative feedback as a new artist in the industry?

A-MASK: As a new artist, embrace criticism as a chance to grow. Learn from feedback, stay open-minded, and use it to improve your craft and skills positively.

SXSW Pop: What are your long-term goals in the music industry, and what steps are you taking to achieve them?

A-MASK: My long-term goal in the music industry is to create impactful, timeless music that resonates across generations. I'm honing my craft daily, collaborating with diverse artists, and embracing continuous learning.

SXSW Pop: How do you cope with the pressure that comes with being a new artist in the public eye, and how do you manage expectations from both fans and the industry?

A-MASK: To cope with the pressure of being a new artist, focus on your passion, set personal goals, and maintain a support system. Balance public expectations with self-care, and seek mentorship from experienced artists. Embrace the journey, and learn from both successes and setbacks.

SXSW Pop: If you could offer any advice to aspiring musicians just starting their journey in the music industry, what would it be?

A-MASK: Focus on developing your unique sound, stay persistent through challenges, and build genuine connections in the industry. Embrace continuous learning, from both successes and failures, and use social media wisely to share your music and engage with your audience.

