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50 Cent has responded to backlash after appearing to downplay Power actor Michael Rainey Jr. being sexually assaulted on a livestream.

50 Cent has responded to backlash after appearing to downplay Power actor Michael Rainey Jr. being sexually assaulted on a livestream.

In a since-deleted Instagram post on Tuesday (June 11), 50 responded to the criticism over his reaction to the incident, claiming he had undergone similar treatment but did not see it as sexual assault.

He wrote: “I registered that as a form of flattery, I have accepted that from female fans my whole career but ok right guys put her in jail ! whatever floats your boat.”

After footage went viral of Rainey Jr. being groped on TyTy James’ Twitch channel by the streamer’s younger sister, 50 did not understand the seriousness of the situation.

50 Cent says he’s accepted what happened to Michael Rainey Jr., from his female fans for years, so that’s why he considered it a form of flattery and not “sexual assault”

“Ok! Your right guys, put her in jail!”

— Glock Topickz (@Glock_Topickz) June 11, 2024


Largely dismissing the unwanted touching, he wrote: “Wait sexual assault [frowning face emoji] from a male perspective this was an aggressive advance. LOL HE’s fine no charges are being pressed.”

Rainey Jr. himself also issued a statement on the incident.

“At this point, everyone has seen the video circulating online. I am still in shock and don’t fully know how to process what happened last night,” he wrote on his Instagram Stories.

“This is an unfortunate situation that I do not condone in any way. I can’t take it lightly because I know I would be in serious trouble if the roles were reversed.”

He added: “The fact is, sexual assault is never okay, regardless of gender or status. We’re all human and we should respect each other. Most importantly, we should respect ourselves always.”

TyTy also apologized to Rainey Jr. for what happened on the livestream, saying: “After the actions that occurred during my stream last night I would like to sincerely apologize to Michael and his family for what took place.

“My little sister was completely wrong and out of line. What she did was very inappropriate and unacceptable. I am truly embarrassed and disgusted by her actions.”

“I completely respect whatever direction Michael wants to go in this situation,” he continued. “After watching the clip, I was completely taken aback by what she done [sic].

“I will take extreme precautions with future streams to avoid similar issues and have banned her from participating in future streams. I do not condone any type of assault.”

