
Classical Meets Rock in Sophia Mengrosso’s Latest Single, ‘Under’


Contemporary musician Sophia Mengrosso recently delivered her latest single, “Under.” Featuring her signature sound, the single showcases a fusion of classical music and rock and metal you haven’t heard before.

Focusing her energy into thoughtful lyrics and powerful delivery, Sophia’s music is immersive and inspiring. “I love rock. I don’t have a reason why. If you love something, you do that,” shares Sophia Mengrosso of her passion for the genre. “It gives me the freedom and power to express myself and use my vocal range. As a female, I want to be strong and powerful and rock.” Sophia admires other female musicians, especially rock singers. “It takes a lot of effort to show yourself and your power,” she adds.

Sophia’s passion for music began as a child, when she learned to play the piano and harp, followed by classical singing. As a teenager, Sophia’s musical taste shifted from the classics of her early youth to the emotive rock and metal sounds of mainstream artists. At the age of 16, Sophia performed rock covers at a local festival and never looked back.

“I think music is a great way to be creative and make something beautiful out of an experience you have,” shares Sophia Mengrosso. “I write about all of my life experiences and people that I love. The journey of life teaches you and makes you a stronger person. Your choice is what you’re going to take from that experience. For me, music comes from times when I was not in a good place—situations that made me feel sad or uncomfortable. That is usually how my music is born.”

Up to this point, all of Sophia’s previous releases reflect on something that has happened to her in the past. Her new single, “Under,” comes from a place of strength. “It’s the power of finding strength in yourself and believing in yourself to pull away from the dark places. It’s about staying strong and pushing through and not letting things change you or break you.”

When Sophia wrote “Under,” she was dealing with difficult experiences. “I’m proud of myself for having the strength to get out and staying true to myself. The inspiration behind this song is allowing myself to be powerful and facing my fears.”

Through her music, Sophia Mengrosso hopes to empower listeners. “I don’t write my music for no reason. My purpose is to empower people and make them believe in themselves. You have to stay true to yourself and follow your heart and dream. You’re the only person who knows what the right path to take is. Don’t let people pull you away somewhere you don’t want to be. If you want something, you have to go after it.”

Her songwriting process is the anti-process. “I have no recipe, no system. Inspiration doesn’t have a system. It just happens. I happen to have a lot of inspiration.”

A self-proclaimed spiritual person, Sophia often turns to music to solve conflict. When she begins to play music, she finds herself in a state of meditation. “When I wrote my single [“Under], I was feeling something that had to come out. The only way I can help it is by playing music,” she adds. After creating the initial frame of the song, Sophia handed it over to her band, enabling each musician to experience the song and add to how they felt it should sound.

In addition to her recent single, Sophia Mengrosso is looking forward to her upcoming album in April. These days, Sophia is just happy. Why? “I am happy because I have music. It’s my meditation. It gives me power to move forward. It gives me strength.”

Make sure to stay connected to Sophia Mengrosso on all platforms for new music, videos, and social posts.


