
Transforming from Opera to Classic Rock, Gwynn Gold Delivers Musical Mastery in Land of Honey


Hailing from Pittsburgh, Gwynn Gold immerses listeners in rich vocals and masterful instrumentation through her new album, “Land of Honey.” The artist’s 12-song album is packed with classic rock-inspired, thoughtful tracks laced with elements of blues and jazz. Transitioning from opera to classic rock, the artist delivers a unique sound true to her ever-evolving style.

An average day for the artist includes exercising, practicing, and working on the business side of her work, from social media to marketing. Gwynn Gold finds inspiration early in the day by discovering new music and allowing it to take flight in her subconscious.

When it comes to penning her songs, Gwynn Gold collects fragments of inspiration—some from conversation, others from random a-ha! moments throughout her day—and crafts a poetic flow that eventually transform into lyrics. Sitting down at the piano, the artist allows the melodies to emerge. “How do I sing a poem?” she asks. “I sing a melody and form chords around that. It naturally comes out depending on what the song is and wants. What I like about writing music is that if you calm your brain, you let it flow out.”

One interesting aspect of Gwynn Gold’s writing process is that, unlike many in her field, she does not write every day. In the name of authenticity, the artist prefers to let the music come when it wants to—even when the downtime becomes frustrating. Fortunately, the process always works out in her favor. Creating entire songs from patchworks of inspiration gives Gwynn Gold an introspective flair. Her song “Double Yellow Line” came from chatting with a lyricist she routinely works with about a run-in with an old acquaintance she had no interest in seeing. “I feel like there’s a yellow line on the road you don’t cross—but some people like to veer all around it.” Gwynn Gold uses metaphor to explain feelings, and, in cases like this, it leads to beautifully crafted lyrics by her collaborator in the end.

Gwynn Gold has had a robust musical career thus far. While her roots are in opera, she is proud of her transition to classic rock. The vocal transition alone took practice and work with an instructor—and let’s not forget the costume and identity metamorphosis of such a transformative feat! “Whereas in opera I had to act out different characters depending on the production, now it’s one character that stays cohesive throughout all of it. The albums are puzzle pieces that fit into the overall musicality.”

This year will be an exciting one for Gwynn Gold. As she works on her second album—most of which is already written and pending studio time—she will also perform around Pittsburgh as she plans a tour for next year. While fans eagerly await new music, they can continue to dissect the penmanship of “Land of Honey,” which emerges as a timeless, introspective album time and time again. 

Be sure to follow Gwynn Gold on social media for the latest updates.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOt6wzEYYe-do7se581uXPg

Website: www.gwynngold.com

Bandcamp: https://gwynngold.bandcamp.com

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0ERYWHAVDaybD5IPjnX5Gc?si=sGrzeCB2SVai-kCAzxf01w

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/gwynn-gold/1564583383

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-343671935



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gwynngold/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gwynngold/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gwynngold

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gwynngold

